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Dr Allan Clarke

Shoulder and Knee Surgeon

Post-Operative Visit

There is usually no charge for post-operative visits in the first 6 months after surgery. Your first post-operative appointment should be between 5 -10 days post-surgery.

At this meeting Dr Clarke will:

  • Remove your dressings.
  • Take out your stitches.
  • Review the operation with you.
You will be able to get the wounds wet at this stage.

For shoulder patients

During the first six to twelve weeks after surgery it is important to follow your rehabilitation protocol strictly. Depending on the type of repair you have had, you will have specific instructions regarding which movements are and are not allowed. Stretching the shoulder in the wrong direction before healing has occurred can cause the repair to tear and fail.

The arm should always be kept in the sling when you are standing, walking or asleep. When sitting or lying awake in bed you can carefully remove your arm from the sling and place it in your lap or at your side.

You can use the hand for writing, eating, or drinking, as long as the arm is moved only at the elbow and wrist. Under no circumstances should the operated arm be used to reach for or lift something in the first 4 – 6 weeks if you have had a tendon repair.